Friday, August 06, 2004

It's a New Day

Well, hopefully today will be a better day. I've got my nephew that isn't really my nephew arriving in about 3 hours for a 2 week visit, so I'm looking forward to seeing him. His mother and I have been friends for over 20 years, so we're Auntie to each other's kids. It'll be great to see him...he's a good kid, and he'll keep Kaitlyn outta my hair. LOL It's nice for Kaitlyn to have a "cousin" close to her age...Matt is 14, whereas her actual cousins are 16 and 20. I sure hope Alf doesn't show up today...I don't have the time to tell him what I need to say, what with Matt arriving and all. Besides, even if I did have the time, I'm positive that what I have to say won't make an impression on him. It never has before...and it sure didn't the other night. I should just let Mickey deal with him like he wants 6'8", he's about the only one that Alf won't mess with. The dude won't listen to anything I have to say, obviously. I'll just let Mickey have his little talk with Alf...I'm officially throwing up my hands in despair where that guy is concerned. If he does show up today, I'll just say "piss off, I'm busy."I've got something else to look forward to....camping!! We leave in 3 days for a week-long trip. I can't wait! It's so hard on my body...we tent, after all....but I love it. I tell ya, if I still smoked, there's no way we'd be able to afford to go on another big camping trip only a mere 2 weeks after the last one. I'm so glad I made the right decision last night. That was the worst I wanted to smoke in months and months. Sure, I had some moments in the past 4 months, but they were weak and fleeting. This was almost like the first few days after I quit, and it sucked! I did end up going for another bike ride with the dog...she was sure happy about it. LOL I picked out some rough terrain nearby and went the time I got home, I didn't have the breath, inclination, or the energy to go to the store. My back and leg weren't too happy with me, but hey...I didn't care. My quit is intact and that's all that matters.


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